3 Tips to Start Connecting on LinkedIn

3 Tips to Start Connecting on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site. Unlike other platforms, LinkedIn promotes business relationships that highlight your strengths as a worker. Consider it a professional Facebook account, focused on your career goals rather than cat memes. 

The site offers a personalized account, where you can highlight your work for coworkers, recruiters, and others to view.

The platform also includes a section for references and the ability to list your certifications, education, and professional background. Some job advertisements on the site don’t require a separate resume or cover letter to submit, so it is easy to submit your information for review!

Before creating an account in hopes of attaining your dream job, it is important to review some of the tips and tricks to use the platform at its highest potential. Read more information about LinkedIn below to help you craft the ultimate account and secure your long-desired position.

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Account

Let’s be real, the old adage “don’t judge a book by its cover” has lost its merit, at least online. First impressions mean everything, especially when it comes to LinkedIn. Your profile is the gateway to your career, so you need to attract, engage, and connect with your audience. Look to optimize your profile for impact.

Start by crafting a compelling headline that communicates your expertise. Don’t write the dry “Gunsmith” at the top of your profile, zest it up with “Weather Gunstock Engraver” or “Firearm Manufacturing Aficionado.” In doing so, you demand attention from those that come across your account.

When highlighting your skills, experiences, and education, use keywords that are relevant to the gunsmithing industry. LinkedIn’s search algorithm relies on these keywords, so incorporating them will increase your visibility.

Your “About” section should tell a story, and this is what neatly ties your profile header together. Sure, your academic and professional accomplishments are important, but so is showcasing your personality. Your headshot—it helps add a face to a name, and this networking gives you more depth than a bland resume. Spend some time researching buzz words for your desired career as well, as this can help improve your exposure on the site.

2. When You Connect, Reach Out!

Connections are the staple of LinkedIn because they show your professional network and appeal. When you first create an account, remember to send requests to friends, family, coworkers, or others that can vouch for your work ethic and dedication. 

As you develop an image and hone your LinkedIn craft, the connection requests will start rolling in. It may be helpful to make a list and develop a strategy for who you want to network with. If you want to start a career in firearm manufacturing, it would be helpful to research 

Once you connect, be sure to reach out! A well thought-out message when connecting with someone can make a great impression and can improve your job opportunity prospects. Remember, LinkedIn is all about networking, and the site only goes as far as you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone.

3. Post Relevant LinkedIn Content

According to Forbes, less than 0.5% of all LinkedIn accounts actually contribute content to the site. This means that if you are looking to share content and be seen, there is a low-competition market that can help improve your visibility.

Spend some time making a list of things that you can write or post about. Maybe you are coming up on a five-year anniversary of an important work trip, or maybe you just completed a certificate course. Be sure to upload photos and include links whenever possible, as these cross-references help improve your prospective opportunities.

Long-form content does especially well on the platform, as it demands more attention from the reader and encourages conversation in the comments section of your post. Don’t feel overwhelmed generating new ideas—be yourself and write in a casual but work-friendly way. Crafting content like this helps ensure you connect with the right people when navigating the site.

If you are an MGS student or interested in our courses, be sure to connect with us on LinkedIn and join our online community.