Speed and Accuracy

Speed and Accuracy in Shooting

Speed and Accuracy in Shooting Whether becoming an excellent marksman or just starting a new hobby, there are skills and abilities you need to learn, but which are essential to success? This is the age-old argument: which is more important, speed or accuracy? While experts worldwide can make excellent points, building complex, detailed arguments for…


Shooting Drills to Prep for the Spring Season

Shooting Drills to Prep for the Spring Season  Spring is almost here, which means it’s time to shake off the rust as the outdoor ranges re-open. This month I want to talk about shooting drills that you can do to keep yourself sharp, no matter what you are practicing for.  Concealed Carry Drills  Concealed carry…

Building a Client Base

Building a Client Base with Your Gunsmithing Shop

Building a Client Base with Your Gunsmithing Shop Gunsmithing is a hobby that is so rewarding. You will learn a new skill, meet a circle of like-minded people, and have the personal satisfaction of creating something with your hands. So, it only seems fitting that you would want to turn something filled with so much…


The Essential First Steps to Starting a Gunsmithing Business

The Essential First Steps to Starting a Gunsmithing Business If you’re looking into starting your own gunsmithing business, this is probably one of at least a dozen articles you’ve scrolled through in hopes of finding a simple, no-nonsense guide to getting your dreams off the ground. As I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, there’s no…

ATF Approval

2 Crucial Steps to ATF Approval for a Home-Based Gunsmith

2 Crucial Steps to ATF Approval for a Home-Based Gunsmith This month I want to talk about the process of getting the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) approval for a home-based gunsmithing business. My hope is you can use the information I am providing to remove some of the guess work and…

Winter Firearm Care

How to Best Care for Your Firearms This Winter

How to Best Care for Your Firearms This Winter This month I am going to talk about taking care of your customers’ firearms for colder weather. I will also provide information that you can pass on to your customers so they can keep their firearms free from rust. If you are a gunowner, nothing strikes…

Gift a Gunsmith

6 Unique Gifts for the Gunsmith in Your Life 

6 Unique Gifts for the Gunsmith in Your Life Shopping for the gunsmith in your life can be daunting. Tools are highly personal, and it’s difficult to find out what someone needs without totally spoiling the surprise. No one wants to give a gift that will be relegated to the forgotten depths of some junk…

Gunsmithing Experience: 2 Crucial Points to Know

Gunsmithing Experience: 2 Crucial Points to Know

Gunsmithing Experience: 2 Crucial Points to Know Theoretical knowledge is valuable. Reading the instruction manual, followed by a repair manual, polished off with a tutorial video can go a long way towards competency in all kinds of endeavors, including repair, maintenance, and customization of guns. After all, that’s how it works with electronics, vehicles, and…

Why 'Real-World' Practice is Essential for Gunsmithing

Why ‘Real-World’ Practice is Essential for Gunsmithing

Why ‘Real-World’ Practice is Essential for Gunsmithing Starting a hobby like gunsmithing will allow you to blend an interest in firearms with a love of working with wood and metal. There are many different aspects to choose from, including repairing guns, creating custom firearms or custom parts, and adding decorative patterns through engraving. While a…

A Gunsmiths Success Story from Apprentice to Expert

A Gunsmith’s Success Story from Apprentice to Expert

A Gunsmith’s Success Story from Apprentice to Expert This month I will be speaking about my journey to become a gunsmith. Just like any journey, everyone’s experience is different. My journey started differently than most. I’m sure there are a few gunsmiths out there that had a father like mine. He was a self-taught full-fledged…