Student Spotlight

Creating the next generation of gunsmiths since 1946.

Student of the Month

March 2025

Student Spotlight

Anthony Ragland

I took the course because I have always been interested in mechanical things, how they work, how they’re made, and how to fix them. Currently, there aren’t many places in the area that you can take a gun to have it repaired or maintained. There are several family owned gun shops and only 1 or 2 of them have an on-site gunsmith. I’d like to give customers the option of someplace local that doesn’t have a 4+ week lead time on repairs. I’m mostly interested in the repair, maintenance, and restoration aspects of gunsmithing and maybe doing some custom builds here and there.

I am currently employed, by a large retail sporting goods company in the outdoors department (hunting, fishing, boating, camping, outdoor living) for the second time after leaving to work in the medical field. I had planned to work for another few years before moving on to something that I enjoyed doing more and began looking more at gunsmithing programs before settling on MGS Trade School’s Advanced Gunsmithing Program.

I like that the Online Student Center has a running summary of your grades as well as instructional texts if you’re away from the materials printed in your binders. Overall, it’s a very good program which has the potential to be improved upon in the future. I have gained valuable insight into firearms and ammunition which has helped me to deliver more information to customers looking to purchase firearms in the store that I work at as well as answer questions that some have about older firearms that they have acquired either through purchase or inheritance.

-Anthony Ragland