Drills to Eliminate Trigger Flinching 03-20-25 PEXELS

Drills to Eliminate Trigger Flinching and Jerking 

Drills to Eliminate Trigger Flinching and Jerking  More than any other factor, accuracy is affected by trigger technique. Consider that your aim may be off by a couple of inches due to imperfections of sight alignment or shake, but a botched, jerky trigger pull can cause a miss by a foot. Fortunately, trigger drills to…

Speed and Accuracy in Shooting

Speed and Accuracy in Shooting Whether becoming an excellent marksman or just starting a new hobby, there are skills and abilities you need to learn, but which are essential to success? This is the age-old argument: which is more important, speed or accuracy? While experts worldwide can make excellent points, building complex, detailed arguments for…


Shooting Drills to Prep for the Spring Season

Shooting Drills to Prep for the Spring Season  Spring is almost here, which means it’s time to shake off the rust as the outdoor ranges re-open. This month I want to talk about shooting drills that you can do to keep yourself sharp, no matter what you are practicing for.  Concealed Carry Drills  Concealed carry…

4 Holiday Safety Tips for Gun Owners: Keeping Everyone Safe

4 Holiday Safety Tips for Gun Owners: Keeping Everyone Safe The holiday season is a special time of the year when families, friends, and loved ones come together to reconnect, catch up, and make memories. People have time off from work where they can rest and recuperate. With such a happy time of year upon…

Hero Hunt Inc.: Healing through Community 

Hero Hunt Inc.: Healing through Community  Since 2012, Hero Hunt Inc. has been providing hunting and fishing trips to injured military veterans and first responders. The events they organize serve to promote healing physical and emotional wounds. For most people, the journey through the military or first responder career doesn’t even when the field missions…

Walk the Talk America: Mental Health and Firearms

Walk the Talk America: Mental Health and Firearms  Walk the Talk America is a pro-Second Amendment non-profit that focuses on mental health, suicide prevention, and community outreach. The organization is the brainchild of Michael Sodini, a firearms industry professional with no shortage of impressive bullet points on his CV (see what I did there?). Anyone…

Black Guns Matter: Changing the Perspective

Black Guns Matter: Changing the Perspective Black Guns Matter is a charity based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that educates and informs urban communities on their Second Amendment rights and responsibilities. Black Guns Matter believes that educating people about their right to bear arms is essential to maintaining a free and safe society. Black Guns Matter was…

6 Top Positions in Shooting

The 6 Top Positions in Shooting 

The 6 Top Positions in Shooting  Standing position has been the default for the club, the spear, the bow, and the arquebus. It’s the position of mobility, observation, visibility to the commander but how well does it actually work for modern marksmanship?   Firing while standing isn’t the most stable process, though it may be…

Indoor vs Outdoor Ranges

Indoor Gun Ranges vs. Outdoor Gun Ranges

Indoor Gun Ranges vs. Outdoor Gun Ranges When starting your journey as a gunsmith, having time to practice and learn how to shoot a gun is so important to your knowledge base. The best way to do this when you are starting out or even as an experienced shooter is at a gun range. It…

4 Safety Tips for Kids at the Shooting Range

4 Safety Tips for Kids at the Shooting Range

4 Safety Tips for Kids at the Shooting Range There may be no better place than the shooting range to enrich your kids’ respect for firearms. If you’re reading articles to plan for the most positive experience you can, you’re well on your way to creating some great memories. Obviously, no one can tell you…