6 Unique Gifts for the Gunsmith in Your Life 

6 Unique Gifts for the Gunsmith in Your Life Shopping for the gunsmith in your life can be daunting. Tools are highly personal, and it’s difficult to find out what someone needs without totally spoiling the surprise. No one wants to give a gift that will be relegated to the forgotten depths of some junk…

3 Tips to Consider when Mounting a Scope

3 Tips to Consider when Mounting a Scope

3 Tips to Consider when Mounting a Scope Mounting a rifle optic is a crucial step in achieving accurate and precise shots. One of the key considerations during this process is determining the optimal height at which to mount your scope. In this blog post, we will explore the factors that influence the height of…

3 Steps for a D.I.Y. Gun Range

3 Steps for a D.I.Y. Gun Range

3 Steps for a D.I.Y. Gun Range For most of us, owning a shooting range is a life goal. There’s something awesome about venturing out on the porch with the morning coffee in one hand and a suppressed .22 pistol in the other…pew…ping! Regular and instant access also makes gunsmithing work much easier, allowing verification…

5 Common Firearm Customizations

5 Common Firearm Customizations

5 Common Firearm Customizations Whether you’re looking to broaden your skillset or make a dusty firearm into a well-loved tool, there’s no shortage of customizations available. Granted, it’s much easier to customize an AR-15 than it is to change a vintage hunting rifle, but both can be made to feel like an entirely new firearm…

Prefab Stocks: What Are the Different Types?

Prefab Stocks: What Are the Different Types?

Prefab Stocks: What Are the Different Types? From an aesthetic point of view, the stock is the first thing you notice about a gun. It is a beautiful piece of any gun and is essential to its operation. A gun stock is essentially nothing more than a piece of wood, plastic, fiberglass, or another material…

How to Hydro-dip Your Firearms

How to Hydro-dip Your Firearms

How to Hydro-dip Your Firearms Cerakoting, bluing, chrome-plating, and others are all great finishes, but they always don’t work with wood or plastic stocks. They also take considerable time to apply, and not a little bit of care with heat and/or chemical mixes. Hydro-dipping is a fairly recent refinishing method that permits quick and relatively…

Metal Finishes: Bluing, Electroplating, and Spray-Coats

Metal Finishes: Bluing, Electroplating, and Spray-Coats

Metal Finishes: Bluing, Electroplating, and Spray-Coats Weather isn’t always kind to steel: rust never sleeps. For the first six centuries of its existence, guns also had to deal with corrosive residues, first from black powder residue forming sulphuric acid, then from salts from mercury-based primers. First gun finish was bluing, a form of carefully controlled surface oxidation.…

Cerakote vs. Duracoat vs. Bluing. Fight!

Cerakote vs. Duracoat vs. Bluing. Fight!

Cerakote vs. Duracoat vs. Bluing. Fight!  If you find yourself saying ‘never again’ every time you find a scratch on your firearm, it may be time to make good on your resolution before you add to your collection of inevitable blemishes again. While we all might dream of a manufacturer sped’d, fully nitride-coated firearm, few…

Light Weight for the Summer: Range and Hunting Trips

Light Weight for the Summer: Range and Hunting Trips

Light Weight for the Summer: Range and Hunting Trips The classic American icon, the Tommygun, was heavy and overlong in the stock. Its inventor, Brigadier General John T. Thompson was an unusually tall man, and his invention was a great fit for the designer’s 6ft 3in frame. For the average man, less so. And even…

Competition Shooting: Compensated Vs Stock Firearms

Competition Shooting: Compensated Vs Stock Firearms

Competition Shooting: Compensated Vs Stock Firearms Some people might not care too much if their gardening tips or dinner recipes are being generated by Chat GTP, but when you’re researching firearm modifications, you need far more than a laundry list of data collected by AI. You need the voice of experience. You need wisdom. And…