The History of Competitive Shooting

The History of Competitive Shooting

The History of Competitive Shooting Competitive shooting is a sport that people take part in throughout the world. It is something that involves immense skill and concentration along with plenty of practice. But shooting was not always the competitive, popular pastime that it is today. Here is a look at how shooting has changed and…

Shooting Competitions: A Comprehensive Guide

Shooting Competitions: A Comprehensive Guide Marksmanship competitions predate firearms. The first recorded firearm competitions were held in late 14th century German states. Many of the technical advances, such as rifling, range-graduated sights, and sets trigger, first appeared on target guns. In America, early competition events took the form of turkey shoots and similar practical scenarios.…

How to Take Care of Your Guns in the Summer

How to Take Care of Your Guns in the Summer

How to Take Care of Your Guns in the Summer This month I will share some information on how to store your firearms during the summer months. Extra care is needed when storing firearms during different seasons. I live in the southeastern part of the United States. Humidity during the summer months is a common…

Firing Range Safety Hacks

Firing Range Safety Hacks

Firing Range Safety Hacks If you’re looking to make your time spent at the range as smooth as possible, you’ve come to the right place. While you may be expecting a list of “don’t ever” mandates, this is is a list of suggestions to make your range time safer and hopefully more enjoyable. Beware of…

Gunsmith Lore and Legend, Vol. 1

Gunsmith Lore and Legend, Vol. 1

Gunsmith Lore and Legend, Vol. 1 Gunsmiths are not just made out of necessity and love for a craft, they’re born out of history, literature, and even the foundations of the English language. There’s so much interesting stuff out there that it can be hard to know where to start. While we can’t hit all…

Hollywood and Firearms: Separating Fact from Fiction

Hollywood and Firearms: Separating Fact from Fiction

Hollywood and Firearms: Separating Fact from Fiction This month, let’s delve into how Hollywood portrays firearms and the accuracy of these depictions. Growing up in a military home as the son of a 39-year Army veteran, and as a gunsmith myself, I’ve developed a keen eye for all things gun-related. My father wasn’t a fan…

4 Cardinal Rules: A Non-Negotiable

4 Cardinal Rules: A Non-Negotiable

4 Cardinal Rules: A Non-Negotiable Safety rules are written in blood. Also in hearing damage, holes in walls and machinery, ruined reputations. The goal is to avoid writing any new lines into the history of accidents and negligence over your entire lifetime. Since gunsmiths often deal with defective or out-of-spec guns, the four safety rules…

The ABC's of Gunsmithing

The ABC’s of Gunsmithing

The ABC’s of Gunsmithing This month I will be talking about the language of the gun. The firearm industry has its own way of speaking. If you have ever gone to a gun shop or a gun show you will know what I am talking about. You will end up over hearing conversations about pressures,…

How to Boost Your Business as a Gunsmith

How to Boost Your Business as a Gunsmith

How to Boost Your Business as a Gunsmith One of the challenges facing specialized technicians is connecting potential clients. Advertising can be an expensive proposition for many, and name recognition is the only currency that holds its value in the long term. If you’ve exhausted all the usual channels, it’s time to show clients what…

3 Ways Gunsmiths Can Signify Memorial Day

3 Ways Gunsmiths Can Signify Memorial Day

3 Ways Gunsmiths Can Signify Memorial Day Memorial Day is a special day for many people throughout the country. It commemorates and pays tribute to our fallen heroes who have died during military service to the people of this great nation. People choose to celebrate this important day in many ways, the most popular being…
