Hero Hunt Inc.: Healing through Community
Since 2012, Hero Hunt Inc. has been providing hunting and fishing trips to injured military veterans and first responders. The events they organize serve to promote healing physical and emotional wounds. For most people, the journey through the military or first responder career doesn’t even when the field missions stop — and neither should the community support.
About Hero Hunt
Hero Hunt has been led by eight illustrious people, supported by numerous donors, volunteers, and supportive landowners. The leadership has come from late Lisa Baldwin (Dynamark Graphics), Jim German (JMG Thermal founder), Pablo Cadena (Army 1st Sergeant Ret.), Jason Duncan (SWAT field commander), Clint Walker (founder of NEMO Arms and FALKOR Defense), Burl Johnson (Nashville PD Ret.), Jeff Bianchi (Town & Country Ford), and Joe Towers (Nashville PD lieutenant Ret.) First-hand knowledge of what toll selfless service takes on a person has enabled them to provide focused support to our veterans.
The testimonials from hunt participants focus on the camaraderie, the support, and the appreciation extended towards the veterans and their families. Uplifted by their experiences with Hero Hunt, many beneficiaries help others in turn.
Get Involved
Not only is Hero Hunt a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, but it relies entirely on volunteer staff. All donations go towards the costs associated with providing hunting and fishing trips, while nobody in the charity draws a salary for their work. That puts them notably above a typical low-efficiency non-profit designed to enrich its directors.
You can read more about the organization, see photos from trip, support them with donations, volunteering, and merchandise purchases, all at https://www.herohuntinc.org.
Written by: Oleg Volk, Firearms Photographer